I am generally not a fan of these so-called gee-whiz gadgets that are supposed to enhance communications yet actually make it worse.
A guy even tried to tell me once, "Do you know how much I paid for this? Based on price alone, it's the top of the line!" Doesn't do much good if I can't hear ya, pal.
(P.S. I'm not merely referring to hands-free devices that keep drivers' hands and eyes where they belong. I'm referring to two people in separate offices or homes trying to speak with each other, for instance.)
Never trust anyone with blue teeth.
I know what you mean. My phone is always on high yet difficult to hear. I wish there was a CC on my phone.
My TV as well is cranked up to almost 100%, my computer definitely could use some external speakers.
I often wind up with blue teeth when I eat blueberry pie or a blue popsicle.