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If Kitchenaid sexist because of pink appliances? Some think so. You?

Posted - March 22, 2017


  • But the 'breast cancer colour' was simply a reinforcement of the existing pigeon holing, no?
      March 22, 2017 1:34 PM MDT

  • Possibly not .. it's a convenient short hand where time and space are money ... Maybe?
      March 22, 2017 2:48 PM MDT

  • That's not their fight.   Breast cancer awareness is trying to raise funds for breast cancer.   Fact is society has been conditioned to feminize the color pink.  We can all have a logical critique of that but that doesn't mean they should be punished for using a color that works at this time for the breast cancer cause.
    At some point each has to choose their battles if they hope to win at anything.   So Breast Cancer Awareness campaigns are focused on breast cancer and even if they see the same problem with colors being given gender associations,  that's not their primer focus.  They didn't make the association and aren't really wrong to capitalize on it for that cause. Someone else can fight that battle.  Both are fighting the same war though. 
      March 23, 2017 12:18 AM MDT

  • You misunderstood me if you thought that my very inconsequential remark was suggesting anything punitive. I have already stated that I would prefer to give donations directly to the charity concerned as opposed to this particular commercial excerise.
    The original question / statement did not make it clear that this particular range was associated with the charity, but that has been clarified also.
    And if you think that I am doing anything to undermine that then you are, may I say, wrong. I apologise if that is the impression given.
      March 23, 2017 12:30 AM MDT

  • I might have misunderstood the comment.   This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 23, 2017 12:35 AM MDT
      March 23, 2017 12:34 AM MDT

  • I'm offended that they think I'm so delicate I need to give up my current set of kitchen appliances.
      March 22, 2017 12:31 PM MDT

  • GRRRRRR!!!!  :D

      March 22, 2017 12:34 PM MDT

  • 33802 should paint the handles pink.
      March 22, 2017 12:43 PM MDT

  • Kitchen appliances ... My god, i thought they were from Torquemada's garage sale!
      March 22, 2017 2:49 PM MDT

  • Ha ha, I had to look that up.
      March 22, 2017 7:09 PM MDT

  • That's the best kind of answer lol ... Keeps you interested to you find out ... :)
      March 22, 2017 7:13 PM MDT

  •   March 23, 2017 12:09 AM MDT

  • 17261
    I will add the pink to your kitchen while you're making use of your current set of kitchen appliances. Ahem.

    Pink apron... of course... Gah. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 23, 2017 8:01 AM MDT
      March 22, 2017 11:26 PM MDT

  • Oh yes... My kitchen needs some of those
      March 23, 2017 3:45 AM MDT

  • 17261
    Let me know when, and I will make sure you get some of this. Ahem.
      March 23, 2017 3:50 AM MDT