would you speak up immediately in front of the recipient regardless of the embarrassment, never say a word to anyone, let them re-gift it but confront your s/o when you're alone or demand they get the item back. Would your spending habits change as a result.
Probably. I could see something sarcastic coming out of me like, "Wow, this looks very familiar!" LOL
I personally would not be giving gifts that I needed to make payments on tbh. I give what I can readily afford.
Speak right up, you bet your patooty. By s/o I mean husband and well, this just isn't the way married people behave. Even boyfriend/girlfriend couples should respect each other enough to return an expensive gift rather than give it to someone else.
I would never speak to him again. Forget the speaking UP part.
I would also give the remaining payment book to his new "friend".
You have to be kidding me. Who is this big a scumbag???
1) I would never buy a gift that expensive
2) My attitude is a gift is a gift. If the person takes the gift and donates it to Goodwill the next day, or regives it, or puts it in the backyard and fills it with shotgun blasts (Warning:Don't try this at home!...;-D...), that's the recipient's business.
Of course, if any of the above did happen, I might inquire why the person didn't see fit to keep and treasure the gift, so that I could improve my gift selection criteria. But a gift is a gift.