Well, I wasn't really directing it at you specifically, just generally it's something I've noticed.
The more I consider the things mentioned in my second paragraph the more I realize that all of them are examples of some people feeding at the trough of other peoples regurgitated thoughts. There is nothing worse than seeing someone who truly believes something yet can't for the life of them explain why. lol You know? Often it's because a lot of other people think that too. I see that as a common theme in our world and it's truly disheartening.
Like you, I try to think for myself and *don't place a high value on the superficial. I care what people think to the extent that we occupy the same world and finding common ground makes coexistence more harmonious. I try not to dismiss peoples thinking outright just because it's different than mine. I actually enjoy hearing peoples thinking on a variety of topics. I find it difficult to understand human thought and behavior at times, listening to others makes it easier to understand why humans do what they do--or at least why they think they do what they do--which baffles me to no end at times.
But yes, it can certainly be take to extremes. I suspect that varies greatly based on the individual. For example, some are extremely sensitive to bullying or demeaning behavior where others are completely impervious to it. We're all "drunk on the juice of belonging" to some degree, some are just more intoxicated than others :)