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Surprising Ways To Break A Bad Mood & Start Feeling Happier #8: Eat dark chocolate... Now that makes sense, right?

Category: Silly Questions.

Today's series is about breaking bad mood. No matter the cause of your bad mood, doing something that distracts you from the negativity at hand will help you bust out of the rut and bring more pep into your energy levels and mood. Whether you want to interact with others or feel more positive on your own, do what works for you for that instant relief and new outlook. (Source:

Yus! Now we are talking. Bring me the dark chocolate, please! You have sum?

Due to its flavanol content and ability to boost serotonin, the feel good hormone, levels in our bodies, dark chocolate makes for a terrific snack to make us feel brighter and more relaxed. Experts suggest that dark chocolate can lower rates of depression and make us feel more positive. However, be mindful of portions. Sticking with one or two squares of a dark chocolate bar is ideal.

Posted - April 10, 2017


  • I've heard that but I'm not much of a candy eater.
      April 10, 2017 7:24 AM MDT

  • 17261
    Oh. Dark chocolate isn't candy. It's nutritional food. Mhmm.
      April 10, 2017 9:21 AM MDT