Prolific asking is not considered spam by our present guidelines and has been discussed.
Thank you for that really excellent link. I had no idea objectionable spammers (my word) could be filtered out. Now I have to go back and figure out how to do it.
I'll never understand why some post so many questions in a row that their own questions soon become relegated to older pages where fewer and fewer see them. To each his own, I suppose.
In plain English, I am trying to block certain members from my seeing them when they post questions. For example, JOHN asks 20 questions in a row that don't interest me. I want to prevent JOHN (and JOHN's questions) from showing up on my computer screen when I come to this site and when I click on questions.
The link you provided told me I could do just that. At least that's how I read the link. It's quite possible I'm reading it incorrectly. It refers to an "activity feed". Does that refer to the page where the questions are listed when you click on Questions? If not, what is an "activity feed"? At any rate, I was unable to follow the directions listed at that link.
Elsewhere, via the HELP section, it said "Answermug does NOT allow blocking" or words to that effect.
Can I block? Or can I NOT block?
I wouldn't trouble you with this but I have just spent entirely too much time trying to learn how to block members questions. This is a last gasp attempt to do that.