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Aren't Pols Supposed To Do The Right Thing for their constituents? Why do they get away with servicing self/the rich? Who approves? You?

Posted - April 16, 2017


  • 1002
    That's the way the machine is built. People really need to understand that no one ascends to the top of the party nominations without bumping elbows in the bs crowd. The whole concept of a 'man (or woman) of the people" is almost perverse. It doesn't exist, not in American politics.
      April 16, 2017 10:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    So any time any pol or anyone for that matter uses it we know it's pure bullsh**! Good to know FNR. Sad though. But still good to know. Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
      April 17, 2017 7:17 AM MDT

  • 1002
    The greatest proof is in our electoral process, we don't elect the potus. The framers didn't want us electing the potus, they wanted the potus to be appointed by senators and I'm sure you recall, under the original Constitution, we didn't elect senators either. Granted the parties of today didn't exist back then, but that's really beside the point. This was intended to be a system wherein prominent figures basically elected themselves, with the exception of congress and state govts.

    Today we have primaries run by political parties, the primaries are not subject to fed election laws, they can make whatever rules they want and we just have to suck eggs.
      April 17, 2017 10:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm not real good at that FNR. Sucking eggs. I betcha neither are you. Think things will ever change or will the system always be strictly/only/100% for the "Patricians" and the rest of us don't count?  Thank you for your very thoughtful and useful analysis. Truth hurts!  :(
      April 17, 2017 12:24 PM MDT

  • 1002
    I think that much could be done to better our system, but I think Americans are too fearful of change to give it the consideration it deserves.
      April 17, 2017 4:19 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I deeply fear what is going on now in America under the control of Doofus Donny far more than I have feared any political thing before. Millions of folks BELIEVE he is their savior. They believe him when he says HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN FIX THINGS. There are least 62 million of them FNR. That is very scary. Anything is better than this. Can we survive him? Aye. That is the question. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
      April 18, 2017 5:44 AM MDT

  • 16911
    The rich provide the funding for their election campaigns. The electorate behaves like so many sheep, they'll believe whatever the media tells them. Media doesn't come cheap.
    I don't approve but there's not a hell of a lot I can do about it, I can't afford such a campaign.
      April 17, 2017 7:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Once again what counts is money!  The more ya got the more ya get! Nothing else matters. Money opens all doors and can buy anything/anyone you fancy. Thank you for your reply Sbf! :)
      April 17, 2017 12:25 PM MDT

  • 7800
    Because we all are guilty of letting them get away with it. Plus, some if not all constituents are so very gullible.
      April 17, 2017 4:23 PM MDT

  • 113301
    We don't have the power Zack. The only "power" we have is our vote. Once we give that we got nuthin' to bargain with! The power resides in those  whose only concern is to enrich themselves/their friends/their families. Trump is doing that on every level in front of the world and his supporters don't give a rat's a**. How do you fight THAT? 62 million Trump voters believed him when he said "I am the only one who can fix things". See how much and how very well he has fixed things so far? He will "fix" North Korea and get us into a nuclear war. His cronies probably are depending on him to do that. Woe is us. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
      April 18, 2017 5:47 AM MDT