Discussion»Questions»Communication» "The good Lord gave me two ears and one mouth". To listen more and talk less? Couldn't we ALL profit from that advice?
I disagree. Listening more and talking less benefits everyone. If you talk your head off without having any information or basis for doing it you end up looking like an a**. Which is what you are. Listening is how you learn. Talking is how you inform. If you are a doofus in love with him/herself you will talk your arse off and it won't mean a dam* thing. Listen more. Talk less. That applies to everyone all the time in every situation from the day speech was invented to now and beyond to infinity and back again. LISTEN MORE. TALK LESS. Silence is golden when you are an uninformed idiot who thinks he/she knows everything. LISTEN MORE. TALK LESS. You can quote me. Now I shall withdraw into silence as I listen to YOU TALK MORE! Thank you for your reply whistle.
You have wildly misunderstood the use of "rubbish". It was not directed at you or your post but used in a very general way. For instance one might encounter some spouting about the imminent end of the world, or "ancient astronauts" or ancient predictions of our current time. The danger of listening to rubbish is demonstrated in such tragic events as Jonestown or Heaven's Gate. Two examples in a list that may never end.
As we get older, it get's harder to hear. Does that mean we should more readily spout out or supposed wisdom rather than listen to the banality of others?
If you have prejudged what you haven't heard yet as being banal why bother listening? As for our own wisdom? We are the worst judges of the value of what we say. It isn't up to us to determine that. Just my opinion. Thank you for your reply tom . I know you said "supposed" wisdom. :)
Nope. Because it isn't advice, it's just a person's statement. And I would counter that with; evolution gave you two eyes so you can see better, and one mouth because you only have one digestive system. If you have 2 mouths you would probably need 2 digestive systems, and with a 20-odd-foot intestine already, the last thing you would need is another 20' + packed in to your torso.... unless the two mouths would both lead to the throat where they would meet up. But that would be quite pointless to have two mouths if there's only a six inch pathway behind it, wouldn't it? So only mouth is necessary.