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Of what does the ALT-RIGHT consist? Specifically? Anti what? Anti whom? Anti why?

Posted - April 25, 2017


  • Hi Rosie,

    First...let me educate you on something... I never use the term "Alt-right" because it candy-coats what these people really are... White Nationalist, White supremacist, Neo-Nazi,  xenophobic racist garbage 

    I'm pretty sure you know what those terms mean...
      April 25, 2017 10:51 AM MDT

  • 5
    Well said Judas Goat!!
      April 25, 2017 2:01 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I do indeed. Funnily I was chastised recently by someone who found it offensive of me to believe that of the Alt-Rights. No joke. The person asked what PROOF I have that Alt-Rights are anything but pure as the driven snow. Pure of heart. Unblemished/untarnished/unguilty of anything unseemly/untoward/racist bigoted/evil. I call them Alt-Right WHITES since white is the only acceptable color that is "right" if ya get my drift! So you and I both know what I mean when I say Alt-Right whether or not I add "white". You could say it will be our very own SECRET code.  When I say ALT-RIGHT you will know that beneath the surface, between the lines hidden in plain sight and sotto voce are also the words you listed above. Words mean nothing without knowing the intention. We KNOW the intention of the Alt-Rights. The Alt-Right Whites. The Breitbarts. The Bannons. The David Dukes.  And their likeminded ilk.  Thank you for your reply JG and Happy Tuesday to thee. Education is a two-way street. You teach and learn.  Then you move on and share what you know and what you learned. If you are lucky!  :)
      April 25, 2017 2:21 PM MDT