Discussion » Questions » Animals (Wild) » Is the discovery of never before seen new species the result of humans traveling and recording more or the nefarious result of

Is the discovery of never before seen new species the result of humans traveling and recording more or the nefarious result of

DNA manipulation? "As were the days of Noah so too shall the last days be."

Posted - April 30, 2017


  • 16877
    Taken wildly out of context - Jesus was describing the depravity of mankind, not the conditions of the planet's life.

    Evolution never stops, it's slow but inexorable. Also many thousands of species have become extinct since Noah's day.
      April 30, 2017 10:47 PM MDT

  • 5614
    No. The planet's life was destroyed by flood not just because of depravity but also because all life had become corrupted except Noah who was perfect in his generations.
      April 30, 2017 11:02 PM MDT

  • 3719
    It's the result of new explorations and improved techniques; and many if not most of the new species are of small plants and animals anyway. Most of the new finds are in very remote or obscure places.

    Occasionally, better analysis of known organisms finds what had been thought were simply variants, are different species. The classic example of that of course, although one became extinct for reasons not yet understood, is our relationship as Homo Sapiensis to H. Neanderthalis. The latter was so similar to us, and co-existed so closely with us for a time, that they appear to have inter-bred, giving us certain of its genes. The two were so close the Neanderthals were thought to be simply a race of H. Sapiensis, but are now regarded as a separate but very similar hominid.
      May 10, 2017 4:37 PM MDT