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Now that the traitorous Chief Pig has killed the ACA, have you saved enough for funeral costs for you and your family?

"Arbeit Macht Frei"

Posted - May 4, 2017


  • 44765
    I am donating my remains to our local teaching hospital. Cost...200 bucks to transport my body.
      May 4, 2017 2:33 PM MDT

  • 35073
    Well, still has to get through the Senate.
    But if it does, hopefully it will actually make premiums go down.

    I don't have insurance. I cannot afford it. And will not pay for insurance with a deductible that I will never meet.
      May 4, 2017 2:55 PM MDT

  • 3191
    It won't make your premiums affordable should you decide you need/want insurance, m2c.  The bill replaces the tax penalty mandate with a mandated 30% higher premium the first year for anyone who has had a gap of more than 63 days in their insurance. This post was edited by Bozette at May 4, 2017 5:31 PM MDT
      May 4, 2017 3:19 PM MDT

  • 35073
    Ok. Do you know if there is a copy of the bill online anywhere? I looked and cannot find any. I went to but don't see it.
      May 4, 2017 3:24 PM MDT

  • 3191
    Sorry, m2c, I haven't yet found it.  If I do, I'll pass it along.  Please do the same?
      May 4, 2017 4:24 PM MDT

  • 35073
    Sure will. 
      May 4, 2017 5:42 PM MDT

  • 3191
      May 4, 2017 5:47 PM MDT

  • 3191
      May 5, 2017 12:21 PM MDT

  • 11418
    Well were I live in Canada we don't have funeral costs because we have  a peat moss bog. The nice think about that is peat moss bogs have preserving properties so after 20 years you can dig a person up and call them Mummy. Cheers!
      May 4, 2017 5:05 PM MDT

  • 3191
    Lol...guess what hon, unless you do some legal work now, it ain't up to you.
      May 4, 2017 5:49 PM MDT

  • 3191
    Ain't it, though!!!
      May 4, 2017 5:55 PM MDT

  • 3191
    Btw...math is cool.
      May 4, 2017 5:56 PM MDT

  • 3191
    Nah, I'm just one ya can't cram neatly into a squre or circle or wherever one might wish to dispose of me.  Words are my balm...math keeps me (somewhat) tethered to reality.  I walk a precarious tightrope strung between two opposing factions, both of which I feel an innate allegiance to...much like what I perceive you to be, I am an anomaly.  
      May 4, 2017 6:10 PM MDT

  • 3191
    Figured ya would.  I get past this "spring...gotta do" BS, I'll share a bit with you.  I think you'll get it...and I hope you will share with me as well.  :)
      May 4, 2017 6:23 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Wouldn't it be amazing to live in a country where the government and big business actually want a country full of healthy, happy people? When will the US evolve to the point of realizing that healthy, happy people are more productive and in the long run are less of a financial drain? Do you think it's possible that the powers that be will grow a conscience and believe that every person has value and isn't just put on earth to serve them? How comical is it that so many people in this country are passionate about the lives of people BEFORE they're born, but don't give a SH!T about them after they're here? I am 100% sure that had Trump not claimed to suddenly be pro-life, he wouldn't have been elected. Had he been honest about his true feelings on that single issue, he would not have won. I'm certain of it.

    Seriously... the way it goes down now is many people (even with insurance!) can't afford to go to the doctor for routine, preventative care or at the first sign of a problem. They wait until they're gravely ill, then the government ends up paying for their very expensive treatment, until they ultimately die. While the ACA was a step in the right direction, it's far from what is needed.

    Americans talk about being "free" and a model that other countries strive to be like. Yet even North Korea and Russia have national healthcare. Let that sink in.

    Sorry for the rant. I'm clearly kidding myself when I claim to not be too worried about this.

      May 4, 2017 8:26 PM MDT

  • 19937
    In spite of NK having health care, their life expectancy is 67 for men and 74 for women.  Russia's life expectancy is 64.7 for men and 76.3 for women.  The U.S. is 76.9 for men and 81.6 for women.  Despite NK and Russia having health care, they still die earlier than we do.  If you want to see this and other interesting information, check out this site below.  You can choose whatever country you want to see on the upper left or upper right.
      May 4, 2017 10:14 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Thanks for the link. That is interesting!

    I chose those two countries for dramatic effect. ;-)
      May 5, 2017 8:30 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I understand.  I was surprised at how much information that link give you and on so many important fronts.  I was most surprised to see that Alzheimers is more prevalent in the US than in NK, but I wonder how accurate the information is when it comes from such a closed country. 
      May 5, 2017 10:37 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Very true. It's so important to keep in mind that most everything you hear and read has a "slant". And if people aren't living as long, less Alzheimer's makes sense, too. And who knows, at the first sign of dementia, people might be "put down" over there!

    I was just going back and forth between Italy and Spain on where I'm going to expatriate to.
      May 5, 2017 10:42 PM MDT