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Discussion » Questions » Communication » If true that we create our own reality and our perception is all the counts then the concept of LYING can't exist. Can it?

If true that we create our own reality and our perception is all the counts then the concept of LYING can't exist. Can it?

Our realities collide of course because each is different. But within the reality each person habits to conceive/believe is inviolate. The creator of each reality is the final authority. No one can challenge my reality and I can't challenge theirs. Each is equally real and true. Which means what exactly?

Posted - May 13, 2017


  • We create our own perceptions, reality exists independent of them. What is reality is not molded to our views, our views are subject to the information we have about that reality and the biases we filter thru. Knowingly conveying a distortion of reality to deceive or mislead (lying) is different than communicating a genuine misapprehension of reality (Ignorance). 

    You set up a strawman in asserting all personal realities are inviolate or right. That is false. How does one arrive at their position to begin with?

    It is the small mind, the closed or fettered mind that declares their reality can't be challenged, and are unwilling to be challenged. This is distorted reality, willful ignorance, not really wanting to know the truth. How can we effectively discern what is a lie or truth if we've closed our minds? It is the same as declaring one knows all there is to know by having read one book.

    Reality is broad and deep, often counter-intuitive, we grow by evolving our understandings, examining new data, casting away the obsolete, the false or ridiculous. Only then can we claim a reasonably coherent grip of reality. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at May 13, 2017 9:16 AM MDT
      May 13, 2017 5:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your your reply Z and Happy Saturday to thee. Do you support the reality of others more than your own? Why?
      May 13, 2017 6:45 AM MDT

  • I cannot speak intelligently about "the reality of others", and I suspect few people can. There are too many different mutations, too many agendas.
    We are aware of reality only as much as we permit ourselves to accept the limited data we receive.

    I do support the cause of coherence in all things. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at May 13, 2017 9:35 AM MDT
      May 13, 2017 9:09 AM MDT

  • Reality is the same for everyone.  Perceptions and beliefs may differ.
      May 13, 2017 7:53 AM MDT