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Just heard someone say that the extreme right assumes moral superiority. If true what causes them to believe they have a lock on it?

Posted - May 13, 2017


  • 7280
    Well that's what happens when one lives in a vacuum.  And that can't be fixed because living in the real world would cause their heads to implode from normal atmospheric pressure
      May 13, 2017 8:43 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I wonder just how many bubble worlds there are tj? Where reality is kept out so the insiders can envelope themselves in make-believe? Dozens maybe? More? Oy vey!  Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
      May 17, 2017 6:45 AM MDT

  • 3719
    It's common to extreme factions generally, in both religion and politics, not just right-wing politics. They assume it to make themselves look respectable and responsible members of society.
      May 15, 2017 3:33 PM MDT

  • 113301
    So you are saying that Progressive Liberals like me are exactly the same in that regard as ALT-RIGHT-WHITE nationalists/racists/skinheads? If true that would be worth committing suicide over. I certainly  hope you are dead wrong. I am not the one to judge whether you are right. So I shall suffer the consequences of the possibility that I could be a female David Duke or Donald Trump or Vladmir Putin et al etcetera etcetera etcetera. Where are YOU Durdle?  Smack dab in the middle where it's safe? This post was edited by RosieG at May 17, 2017 6:48 AM MDT
      May 17, 2017 6:48 AM MDT

  • 3719
    Rosie, that hurts!

    I did NOT compare you to Trump, Putin or anyone else! I have never heard of Duke.

    I am sorry if I offended you, but I read yours as a straightforward, general, international-affairs question about the "extreme right", all lower case. You did not mention ANY party nor ANY country; nor what party by name you support. If anything you own words implied you are not "extreme right", though I freely admit you've made me think the two terms may have particular meanings within America, very different from what Europeans might call "extreme right" and "progressive liberal".

    I had, and still have, no idea of your views in American political terms; and I read no more than general principles obvious in the question. As I say, I read it as a general question on international politics. I do not pretend to understand US political nuances and I do not answer questions on US home affairs on AnswerMug because as a foreigner they are not my business and I don't enough about them. As far as I was aware, I was not answering such a questions.

    Had I been able to recognise you were asking specifically about US internal politics, I would not have replied.  

    So why the difference?

    To me, "Progressive Liberal" irrespective of nationality, has always meant something equivalent to Britain's Labour or Liberal party - mildly left of centre in most areas of policy, though our own Labour Party is now calling for more traditionally socialist policies like re-nationalising major services. Moderately Left-wing but nowhere near Communist, not right-wing and certainly not "extreme right". This is because such parties have long tended to use words like "progressive" and "liberal" about themselves; and to have thought of themselves as somehow having an international outlook on things. These are their own claims, not sarcastic attacks by their opponents.

    I though you meant parties like France's National Front and equivalents elsewhere - the UK used to have a tiny party by that name, but it did not get very far or last very long. The hard right has never prospered in the UK but is gaining ground in Continental Europe; nor really the hard left though we did have (still have?) a small 'Communist Party of Great Britain'.  I have no idea if the US has such equivalents, Right or Left.

    All I did was point out that all "extreme" factions, irrespective of purpose and dogma, assume moral superiority to woo supporters. I did NOT comment on or judge their ideologies, aims or validity.  
      May 17, 2017 4:48 PM MDT