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Have you ever seen, heard or felt a ghost before?

Posted - May 25, 2017


  • This question haunts me, but I'll get into the spirit and say, "Not a ghost of a chance."
      May 25, 2017 8:10 PM MDT

  • 7939
    Several. I've told a few stories here already, so I'll tell one I don't think I've told before.

    Back in the days where my ex husband and I still liked each other and were still happily married, we used to mess with each other all the time. One of our recurring tricks was to grab a bunch of ice or cold water and throw it over the shower curtain while the other person was taking a nice hot shower. It was hilarious. We'd sometimes lurk outside the shower and then give out a random yell, bang on something, or shake the curtains too, just to freak the other person out.

    Anyway, there was one time I was home alone and was taking a shower, when out of the corner of my eye, I saw the shadow of a man pass in front of the shower curtain and pause. Knowing the games my ex and I used to play, I figured he had come home early and was messing with me, so I slipped to the corner of the shower to avoid whatever might be thrown over the top and watched the shadow for a minute. It didn't do anything, so I called out... something along the lines of "Home early, hon?" When I got no response, I poked my head out. There was nobody there. I didn't think anything of it. I still assumed my husband had come home early and that he had been in the bathroom, but left. I later talked to my husband and he had not been home. I really was alone in the house.

    That wasn't the only time the shadow visited though. He became a fixture in my home for about a year after that... always while I was in the shower. There were plenty of times I'd watch the shadow and take a quick look outside and there would be nobody there... there was no way anyone was slipping inside the house and getting away when I looked. Other times, I thought it was my ex and I talked him. My ex said he saw the shadow a few times too. I tried talking to it. I asked what it wanted. I asked it to give me some kind of responsive signal. Nothing. It never did anything but lurk. I saged and salted my house. It made no difference. He would show up intermittently.

    I mentioned a psychic in one of my other answers tonight. It was on the same visit to her that I asked her about the shadow. She said that I was surrounded by entities. That I was basically a magnet for beings in need. A lighthouse, beckoning them in. I told her everything I'd done to get rid of the shadow. I didn't feel it was harmful, but it's a little unsettling to have something with you in the shower. She asked me if I had ever point blank told the shadow to leave. Oddly enough, I had not. After a year or so of visits, the next time I saw it, I finally called out to it that it needed to go. I never saw it again...
      May 25, 2017 10:54 PM MDT

  • 13071
    Wow how interesting. You asked it to leave and it left, what a gentleman. lol He probably didn't even realize he was bothering you, a lot of the time spirits don't. Its neat that both you and your husband witnessed the shadow man. We have footsteps that walk up and down the hallway and the stairs in our house. Have been doing so for 27 years. Annoying but not harmful. lol
      May 26, 2017 11:06 AM MDT

  • 7939
    Do you ever talk to yours?
    I talked to the shadow and told it that it was being creepy. It never responded to that. I repeatedly told it that it's presence was strange, but it didn't respond in any way until I told it to go.
      May 26, 2017 3:11 PM MDT

  • 13071
    Yes. Talk, scream, inquire. You see, I , to this day, often think its someone in the house. So I tell them to pipe it down, walk more quietly please, then it  turns out nobodies there. The nobody there hasn't taken heed to the attempt to converse it seems. hahhahahahahahah poo ghost. ;( Poo me. ;O
      May 26, 2017 3:16 PM MDT

  • 6098
    No but I'm still waiting.  Where are they all?
      May 26, 2017 9:26 AM MDT

  • 7809
    I'm sure it was just gas.
      May 26, 2017 9:31 AM MDT

  • 13071
      May 26, 2017 11:06 AM MDT

  • 17655
    Yes.  Many times.  Seven years in a house  with invisible people.  They moved things and made noise.  My and husband and I both heard the noise and saw the changes made.  Through the years it all quieted down.  Before we bought the old house it had been a rental house belonging to my FIL.  When we told him about some of the things that went on, he said he could never keep a tenant in that house.  He said two families left everything they owned in the house.  They just took off. 

    Do I believe in ghosts?  Of course not. 
      May 27, 2017 12:41 AM MDT

  • 22891
    no, and i hope i never do
      May 29, 2017 5:28 PM MDT

  • No, I have never had any experiences with ghosts. I strongly doubt that they exist. Scientists have never found any convincing evidence that ghosts exist. Sightings of them are mistaken identifications of normal things, hallucinations or hoaxes.
      June 10, 2017 12:13 PM MDT

  • I have not. I am open to the possibility, but as of yet I have never had a paranormal experience. 
      June 10, 2017 12:16 PM MDT

  • 6
    All of the above; I have a couple scenarios actually, my most memorable one being one that took place back when I was in elementary school.
    When I was about 6 or 7, I had this friend named Noel. Every recess, instead of hanging out on the playground with the other kids, we would always sit in front of the cemetery fence beside the soccer field (who would place a cemetery beside an elementary school, lol?).
    Noel always told me that whenever I had my back facing the cemetery, a ghost would rise from this one tall headstone and coincidentally disappear as I turned around. I didn't believe her. 
    One day, I walked right up to the fence; Noel was heading back toward the school for some reason I can't quite remember. I was staring at this one headstone a few feet diagonal from me and caught the sight of what I can best describe as something that looked similar to white exhaust, or a light cloud of e-cigarette vapor. As soon as I saw what I saw I hauled a** straight out of there and made a beeline for the school. I never went back there again, lol... o_o
      June 10, 2017 8:44 PM MDT