Discussion » Statements » For a guy who is DESPERATE to be loved he sure is going about it doofusly. He does hateful things and wonders why he is so HATED? Seriously?

For a guy who is DESPERATE to be loved he sure is going about it doofusly. He does hateful things and wonders why he is so HATED? Seriously?

Posted - June 2, 2017


  • 46117
    It's for show.   He is desperate to be admired. .  All he needs is an audience.   He uses it as his mirror to look at himself.   The more idiots clapping, the more valid his love for himself becomes.  

    He's sick.   The hateful things are for shcok and to display his vast power of doing what he wants especially if it is against the grain.  
      June 2, 2017 11:34 AM MDT