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Warren Buffet for president? Didn't he invent the buffet?

Posted - June 5, 2017


  • 17077
    Nah, that was Little Miss Muffet. Curds and whey is fattening.
      June 5, 2017 4:03 PM MDT

  • 46117
    What about Warren Buffet  and Phoebe (spelled Buffay from Friends on TV, a horrid comedy from Amerika) This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at June 10, 2017 1:06 PM MDT
      June 5, 2017 4:04 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Shar to the Rona, I have a quick story very similar to your question.
    Don and I decided we didn't like the cold and damp any longer and decided to move.  In three days, we packed as much as we could in a very small U-haul, packed our already ancient cars to the hilt, grabbed our puppy.  On a wing and a prayer, we started or journey across the country to the sun. We had no destination.  No jobs.  We just knew there was something out there for us and we were going to find it.
    Many things, good and bad, happened on this ludicrous trip.  We got separated because I missed one of the exits  in Tennessee and I ended up in Georgia.  Our puppy literally didn't go  to the bathroom for 14 days.  These poor cars overheated every other off ramp, etc.  Finally, when we reached the other side of the country, we stopped.  Don had indeed taken me to the Southern most point in the Country, Key West.  As we entered the beautiful state of Florida, I saw this billboard that said, Buffet $4.95.  Hmmm.  I thought.  That's really cool.  Then about 25 miles down the road I saw another sign, Buffet $6.95.  Wow.  I'm thinking it must be getting close to the time.  This went on for about 100 miles until I finally looked at Don and said, "Man, this must be because he is playing in his home state.  I never thought I'd ever see Jimmy Buffet tickets so cheap."
    Same idea.  I was so tired and weary, it didn't even cross my mind it was for a buffet.
    The joke is on me!
    Happy! Happy!
      June 10, 2017 1:31 PM MDT