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Have you ever experienced goosebumps directly from aural pleasure, like listening to a song or hearing a particular person's voice?

I have experienced this nearly daily for as long as I can remember. Sometimes, it can feel quite overwhelming. It can even happen on the hottest day of summer. It's often body-wide, even raising the hair on my head, but particularly my arms and thighs will be affected. It happens when I hear certain songs, when I hear a very dear loved one speak after having not heard their voice for a long while, and, sometimes, when I play a musical instrument, if I am unable to detect any flaws.

Does this ever happen to you?  

Posted - June 7, 2017


  • your goosebumps have excellent taste. ;-) and apparently so do the ones on my arms this very moment.

    thanks for posting. =)
      June 11, 2017 1:18 AM MDT