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Discussion » Questions » Finance » Whu do so many advert claim thet "Bankers dont want you to know this" or "Economic advisores dont want you to know this"?

Whu do so many advert claim thet "Bankers dont want you to know this" or "Economic advisores dont want you to know this"?

 Are there really enough people paranoid enough to believe in that sort of nonsense and wealthy enough to make the advertiser rich by paying him to learn his 'secret' ?

Posted - June 12, 2017


  • 7939
    It's not really about paranoia. I haven't seen that ad or who is running it, but I write stories like that from time to time, and the info contained is accurate. For example, 401ks are garbage. Your employer probably doesn't want you to know they've cut your pay to provide it. They were originally called salary reduction plans. A lot of advisors want you to jump at anything that lets you defer tax. Oh boy! But, really, it's still a gamble because you don't know what your future tax rate will be. It could be higher. So, no, advisors don't want you to know that stuff a lot of the time. They also don't want you familiar with how much of a cut of your money they get.

    Calling those things "paranoia" is extreme. Usually, those are the types of tips you'll get if it links to an article. Click bait for sure. Darned effective click bait. I don't see the harm when it links to something of quality though.

    I should also add that a lot of the content-related ads aren't about making the advertiser rich. When they link to traditional articles, the goal is to provide useful and helpful information, so that people become loyal readers. If the content is good, your loyal readers may eventually become customers or they may share links. They're not all that way,  obviously. The spam ones give the rest a bad name, but the goal is supposed to be helpful info.
      June 12, 2017 12:56 AM MDT

  • 5354
    Your typical experiences differ from mine :-)), and I have yet to find a link that lead to a 'traditional article' :-)) If you have seen one, please post it here.
      June 12, 2017 9:22 AM MDT