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Discussion » Questions » Legal » PHONEY BALONIES! The Republicans are supposedly the ones who REVERE the Constitution. Bullsh**! They ignore it when convenient. WHY?

PHONEY BALONIES! The Republicans are supposedly the ones who REVERE the Constitution. Bullsh**! They ignore it when convenient. WHY?

THEY say that Trump has committed no impeachable offense. They are IGNORING the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE of the Constitution which clearly FORBIDS a sitting president from accepting ANYTHING from foreign governments. His D.C. hotel where many foreign dignitaries stay to kiss his a** is a case in point. The money derived therefrom goes into the Trump bank accounts as does all the things he owns all over the world for which foreigners pay money to use/utilize. Per Harvard Constitutional Law Professor Lawrence Tribe the minute  Trump was sworn in he had committed an impeachable offense. Why do Republicans PRETEND they give a rat's a** about the Constitution when they look the other way if it gets in the way of their agenda? What a crock!

Posted - June 12, 2017
