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What do you think of this workplace situation?

At my workplace there is a set of cleaning chores which are assigned to certain shifts and positions.  The various individuals on a shift and at a certain position are responsible for the assigned chores.  The employee is to sign off on having done them, the supervisor is to countersign.   One of the chores is cleaning the floor and walls around the soft serve frozen yogurt machine.  I have noticed it probably has not been done in months.  I'm never on the shift assigned to it but I do have shifts with open time where I could take it upon myself to do it.  Being it is assigned elsewhere am I justified in saying, "Oh well, this is not my responsibility."?

Note - The yogurt machine is enclosed by a counter.  The nasty state of the floor and wall is not immediately noticeable.

Posted - June 23, 2017


  • 11584
    I am the type who would be so bothered by it that I would clean it even if I had to do it on my own time.
      June 24, 2017 5:29 AM MDT

  • 22891
    if you got time i would clean it
      June 24, 2017 4:59 PM MDT

  • even though it has been assigned to someone else?
      June 24, 2017 6:43 PM MDT

  • From what you've said, it seems that the assigned employee has been
    signing-off on the chore and the supervisor has not been checking their work.

    If you do this chore, without informing the supervisor of your deed, you become 
    an accessory to the crime and your good intentions might get you in trouble!

    If you don't want to "rat" on your coworker, I suggest treating your Boss to a yogurt. :)
      July 12, 2017 4:08 AM MDT