I hear tell on the FAKE NEWS that you can save loads of money by shopping at Ebates. But the truth is that they pad the price and then you get the difference and they make you think you earned money.
Shirt worth $10. They charge $20 but give you 8 dollars back. They make you think you earned $8. It is your $8 though, minus $2 that they just pocket.
Joined recently but that hasn't been my experience at all.
You don't buy anything directly from them. You go through them to shop at sites you ordinarily use anyway.
For example, they were having a special 10% cash back offer at Walmart.com. (Usually it's 1%.) So I login to Ebates which registers the offer and takes me to the Walmart site. Then I shop, buying what I normally would. This time around I spent $49. Next day $4.90 is credited to my EBates account. They pay out every month or two through PayPal.
Granted the offers usually aren't that much, but even the pennies add up and it's really like found money.
I used to work on tuna boats, based out of San Diego Harbor, when I was a lad. That's the way you start ... chumming (baiting) the water for the catch. I only worked on the boats long enough to become an apprentice baiter. The only master baiter on the boat was the Captain ... or at least that's what they told me.