I lived in Texas for a year back in the 80's. I hate those things. Had one on my belly one night when I was laying on the couch watching TV. I still shudder when I think about it. All these years later, I still shake my shoes before I put them on.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at July 7, 2017 11:06 AM MDT
That reminds me of the creepy time I was having trouble sleeping and I woke up to see a figure of a man by my bedside and when I jolted up, it darted into the closet. I figured I was just tired and seeing things and went back to sleep. My mother later told me about how she saw a figure of a man dart across the living room around 4am that same night. That was kinda spooky.
That is creepy, and probably was one of them. I'm about to leave for work, I'll come back on later when I'm on break and tell you about the dream I had.