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Discussion » Questions » Beauty » And finally, why do hideous, bloated old men think having what they deem to be a gorgeous woman on their arm, makes them appear attractive? Doesn't that highlight reality, seeing her with him?

And finally, why do hideous, bloated old men think having what they deem to be a gorgeous woman on their arm, makes them appear attractive? Doesn't that highlight reality, seeing her with him?

There is no fool like a bloated, spray tanned, dyed-haired,   old fool.

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Posted - July 20, 2016


  • 3934

    No, bloated old men like to have "arm candy" because it signals their social status as Big Swinging D**ks. If they happen to get some sexual favors out of it as well, so much the better.

    It's kind of like wearing a Rolex or riding in a chauffered Rolls-Royce, but "with benefits"...;-D...

      July 20, 2016 2:28 PM MDT

  • 46117

    I fail to see how my comment refers to YOU in any way, shape or form. 

    As IF Trump would ever hold on to any woman past her prime.   

    You are doing it the RIGHT and sane and truly beautiful way. 

      July 20, 2016 2:40 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Well yes, but it goes to who you want to impress.  It really makes me embarrassed for these people and they are IN THE MAJORITY who think this is the way to stay young.   Anyone that this impresses, I never want to impress.

    I am sure there are great May-December unions, they are just not necessarily made to further status in any way.   

    Losers trying to impress other losers are in the majority.  As you KNOW. 

    Gee, how did he land that chick?  He's got it made.  I wish I were him.  This is what feeds these ego-driven, empty heads that are again IN THE MAJORITY.     I wonder if Melania is going to change his diapers when the time comes, or will she have a minder?   We know how MATERNAL she is.  She is so busy caring for Baron (that is his REAL name, almost as hilarious as Jermajesty, Michael Jackson's nephew's name) that she doesn't have time to campaign full-time.  So, she should be used to being a care-giver.  Her time is coming sooner than later for that new career.   How hawt, how sexy.  Maybe she can plagiarize Nancy Reagan's book about Ronnie when the time comes and be a true admirer of another first lady.


      July 20, 2016 2:52 PM MDT

  • 7939

    I don't think it's about making him more attractive. For starters, men are biologically wired to want women of a fertile age, but few are able to have a younger woman, let alone a dramatically younger woman. And, as OS pointed out, there's social status to it as well. So-and-so is dating/married to a young model, so they must be important/wealthy/powerful. Plus, some just like the shock value associated with arm candy. They get a kick out of being taboo and upsetting the "proper" order of things.

      July 20, 2016 2:58 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Please see my answer to OS.    I am hearing you but I am not of that mind-set and I have good reasons why. 

       There is nothing wrong with appreciating beauty.  Or youth.  Or dating someone younger.   

    BUT TO CHASE AFTER THAT?  This is really insecure and odious to me.   It is in effect, saying my older wife and our life is not important, my unfulfilled, baseless desires are.    Or worse still, I AM OLD and that is not acceptable and younger people are worth more to me.  Because I am so stupid I want to live backwards and long for what I don't have any longer. 

    THAT IS HOW I SEE IT   I don't care what reasons support the idea that men want younger snatch.  Sorrty, but that is the only word that fits here.

    There is no reason to act on it.  It is a dead-end, moronic stance that only the immature would consider as some fulfilling goal to achieve.  How pathetic.    

    Again, NOT for those who happened to meet and there is an age difference.  I am talking about the idiots who buy a convertible at 60 and cruse around for hot babes to impress their friends.  And if she is really, really HOT maybe even put a ring on it.

      July 20, 2016 3:09 PM MDT

  • People can be bought ... it was ever thus ... youth and beauty can buy established money, money can buy, well, everything... apart from true love

      July 20, 2016 4:02 PM MDT

  • 2500

    Why should that make any difference to yo . . . oh, wait; you're JEALOUS. Now I understand . . .

      July 20, 2016 4:41 PM MDT

  • 46117


    I went nuts after  I saw that bimbo up there mouthing Michelle Obama's words after her husband whom she worships and parrots, has denigrated the Obamas since Barak took office until till this day. 

    Then I get to listen to the story her minders tell the press; supposedly,  she said that copied stuff on purpose because she admires Michelle Obama.    So, of course I had material for the entire day.

    After I posted a lot of questions explaining why Melania is a paid, no-brained  slut.  Melania is a high priced moron whore.  She is spread all over the internet in poses that make men beat off.  She poses the way you pose if you are selling yourself to the highest moron.

    And, I'm thinking when is the one idiot going to come on here and say the obvious.  I'm jealous.  HELLO?  OF WHAT?  I would rather die than post naked pictures of myself even  if I looked twice as good as that.  WHY WOULD ANYONE?  Unless they have nothing else to offer.  And need a lot of money.

     Where is the rabid intellect  that is going to accuse me of being jealous because I have the nerve to attack a slut who turns dumbasses  on?

    And here you are.   I saw your name under my question and I KNEW exactly what stupid idiotic comment you would have.   (Too bad you didn't accuse me of being jealous  and drunk too.)

    I love beauty and I really love being around women who know how to use their beauty and teach me more about how to make myself look good.  I love women platonically.  They are my sisters.

    So when some bimbo comes around trying to make herself heard because she is Trump's moron wife, she had better have something to say and not insult the truly beautiful with showing her tits and copying Michelle Obama. 

    It would have been boring enough if she had NOTHING to say, but she stole the speech from a woman


    Now, don't you think someone is jealous here and it isn't ME?    I don't copy Trump or want to be that slut.  I am not jealous.  I think if I were I'd have much better taste as to whom I am jealous of.

    I know you are going to try and come back with something stupider still than you already have posted here, don't bother.  I've wasted enough space. But congrats on being the ONE idiot who would try to accuse me of that one. 

      July 20, 2016 5:06 PM MDT

  • 46117


      July 20, 2016 5:19 PM MDT

  • My motto is take me as I am or let me go. I'm 64 and my best days are behind me but I know what women want and I have no problem delivering. Women like me and desire my company, as much if not more than 30 years ago.

      July 20, 2016 6:24 PM MDT

  • 46117


      July 20, 2016 6:37 PM MDT

  • He's expected to display his wife no matter what she looks like.

    A trophy wife doesn't make a man more attractive, but she does tend to reflect his money and success, which is one of the reasons why he has one.

    However, it's a mistake to assume that relationships between unequally attractive partners are somehow motivated by reasons other than love.

    I totally abhor the policies Trump represents - and I think it's more effective to attack his policies than his personal relationships.

      July 20, 2016 7:45 PM MDT

  • 46117

    That's because you don't know what is going on or you wouldn't come back with this.  No kidding.  That is the normal take on May-December relationships.  I agree.  Of course.   It is no one's business. This was done for SHOW.   Wife number two whom he dumped for Melania was the reason he dumped his first trophy. 

    I know a lot more about Donald Trump than you do, it seems.  I am not going into it all again.  I am sick to death of this subject. IF you care to, read my other 50 questions regarding this turd sandwich.   He is a slime bag that is a legend in his own mind and his Stepford wife is a disgrace as first lady material to say the least. 

    The age factor has little to do with it in light of the fact that she is an even bigger liar than he is.  I agree that the age factor has nothing to do with it between many normal people.   He has her on his arm so men who think like he does drool over his success.  I don't see how you can justify this as okay.  But, okay.

    I hope you take a minute to catch up here with this video.

      July 21, 2016 12:35 PM MDT

  • 739
    Let us not forget that debate he had with Marco Rubio, where he tried to liken the size of his hands to the size of his, er, bits.
      July 21, 2016 1:15 PM MDT

  • 46117

    The hits just keep on coming, don't they Harry?

      July 21, 2016 1:22 PM MDT

  • Peace, DJAM! I meant no offence.

    Australia is bombarded several times a day with American news. It appears on our screens seconds after yours. We are almost an American colony. We are at the very least, part of your economic and cultural hegemony.

    I think Trump is dangerous. He obtained his wealth by businesses practised that have caused real harm. He has attitudes which will damage race relations in America and around the world severely. There is nothing in his policies that I agree with. And generally, I find the Republicans too far right for my values.

    And since America is linked with Australia via the ANZAS treaty, if he gets into power, he is highly likely to bring us into war with China, against our will, over territory in the South China Sea. We in Australia are terrified of Trump.

    He may have her on his arm to incite people to envy, or perhaps admiration - as warped as it is, it's sufficiently narcissistic to be plausible in his case. But since she's a prospective First Lady, and since it is a long tradition in the US for her to play a very public role - he can't not display her - he can't not introduce her to his party and the voters.

    I am not trying to justify his actions. Rather, I think it is far better to attack his business record, and his ideas and thinking - for those are the things that affect and prove his unsuitability to president. His spouse will never rule, so her characteristics are irrelevant.

      July 21, 2016 2:09 PM MDT

  • 46117

    So sorry hartfire.   I was so busy arguing with everyone about this subject for several questions that I think I lost my cool here.

    SO SORRY.  First of all, your commentary is much more understandable considering you are from another country.  I assumed you were in America.  It makes a difference here.  We are bombarded all day and night with this monster and his mistress. 

    I am so hard on her because of her pig husband and because she is a racist.  She has made so many stupid racist comments that I just need you to trust me, lest I go on another tirade.  RACIST through and through because she is basically a privileged airhead that could care less.  So, when I saw you make what I thought was kind of a remark about how she isn't that weighty of a pawn in this game, I lost it.   She is an insult. 

    Her husband had the gall to try and remove the title from Miss USA or some nonsense title because the winner went out partying and was photographed drinking it up.

    But his FIRST LADY material is posted all over men's magazines NAKED.  YES NAKED.  Now do I care about women who pose nude?  Not my business AT all either way.  Do I care about hypocracy and lying?  I care.  They both have this in spades.   They lied about her education.  She did not finish more than one year of college and they have her with all these pretend collegiate titles, it goes on and on. Again, it matters little unless you recall how he got in the news in the first place 7 years ago screaming that Obama was a fake and not a real citizen, blah blah blah for 2 years. Melania is up for grabs now in the lying department along with him. So she is very influential in America if she got into office with Donald.  All of our first ladies are.  They did a lot to influence.  And I don't want this Eva Braun wanna be in office with Adolph Hitler.

    Sorry I took it out on you.

    Did you catch this video by any chance?    I love it. It was from a while ago and yet this guy is still going strong.  I am embarrassed for this nation of mine to even let him through the door into any political arena that did not laugh him off the stage.  So, I'm nervous.  Did not mean to take it out on you.  SO SORRY.

      July 21, 2016 4:09 PM MDT