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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » Protein builds muscle. Must it be animal protein? Are meateaters physically stronger than vegans/vegetarians?

Protein builds muscle. Must it be animal protein? Are meateaters physically stronger than vegans/vegetarians?

Any Sumo wrestlers not eat meat? What about Olympic Athletes/professional sports team members, the military? Can a vegan weightlifter outlift weightwise a meateater? Do meateaters experience anger more often than vegans/vegetarians? If you subsist on a plant-based diet are you kinder/milder/nicer than those who don't?

Posted - July 10, 2017


  • 1713
    I don't know. I eat meat, but I'm small and scrawny and meek. I don't eat it very often though. I guess it varies from person to person. But a lot of people assume I'm a vegan because I apparently look like one, which is apparently a bad thing because they make fun of me for it..
      July 10, 2017 7:36 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Shame on them! You know being slender extends your life? I read an article years ago which stated that if people would just reduce their food intake by 20% a day their lives would be lived healthier of course and they'd live longer. It said how much longer you'd live but I forgot what it was! Also being slender helps your joints. You don't put so much weight on them when you walk. We have a darling sweet  neighbor friend who has two very bad knees..painful when she walks. Surgery is available but first she has to lose about 100 lbs and it isn't happening for her. I think fewer diseases afflict those who are slender. If they make fun of you just pity them since they are ignorant, clueless and impolite. Thank you for your reply Patch! :)
      July 11, 2017 3:48 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i dont see why you cant get protein from veggies too
      July 10, 2017 2:20 PM MDT

  • The only complete protein is from animal sources. Plants all lack some essential amino acids. To have complete protein from plants, eat legumes and grains together. that is difficult to balance, and it is so much easier and more efficient to just consume animal protein. Yes, in general, meat eaters are much stronger than vegans and vegetarians. There are some vegetarian athletes, but they could perform better if they ate meat. From what I have observed vegans are constantly having temper tantrums due to the slightest causes.
      July 16, 2017 8:03 PM MDT