Discussion»Questions»Random Knowledge» Do Vegans/Vegetarians have leatherless shoes, coats, luggage, furniture,car interiors? No leather of any kind ever?
Thank you for your reply Bez and Happy Wednesday. Would that be the main difference then between Vegans and Vegetarians? Also if you could explain why they avoid dairy products I would sure appreciate it. I get not eating the eggs...they would become chickens if you don't eat them. But milk, butter, cheese? How is that harmful to the animal? :)
This post was edited by RosieG at July 12, 2017 2:25 AM MDT
Vegans are really from another planet with their ideas. I can see the ideology behind it and all, but to live that way, so devoid of anything to do with animal bodies is STUPID.
There is no other word for it. We are not that pristine and advanced as to cut ourselves off from eating a cereal that may contain fly wings. SO WHAT? If we sterilize everything we eat, we lose immunity to such offal and waste and can die easier.
Let's try and mainly eat fruits and vegetables and fresh live things that grow, like grain and nuts. And anything else we do, keep it to a minimum at least.
Forget banning leather from the face of the earth. There is so much leather on earth now, what are we going to do with it? Burn it for waste? That is true waste. Stop slaughter and mistreatment of animals. Everywhere. I am totally for that idea. Not for the idea of never eating another egg. So STUPID.
So it is Vegans who avoid all animal products? Is that the main difference between them and Vegetarians Shar? Thank you for your reply. I would like to understand how eating dairy products is harmful to animals. I was hoping a Vegan would respond and explain. Maybe one will.