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If truth doesn't matter how can it possibly matter what does?

Posted - July 17, 2017


  • 22891
    i think truth does matter
      July 17, 2017 1:36 PM MDT

  • What I believe in my heart must make sense in my mind. What is truth? Is it true that we exist? To think about the answer proves we exist. Existence proves the state of reality.  Moreover, to think about yourself proves reason.  These are two axioms or undeniable facts; I exist and I reason. Truth is an expression, symbol or statement that matches or corresponds to its object or referent.  Truth must correspond to reality in order to be true. Is there an absolute truth? Another words, something that is true for all people, at all times and in all places? Can truth be relative? (subjective) For instance, the question, “is morality relative?” is linked to its source of truth. If truth is relative then morality can be relative.  “Relative Truth” means that truth is subject to the holder of truth. 

      Some arguments for subjective truth are, things appear to be true at some times and not at others. At one time people believed the earth was flat but today we know it’s a sphere.  Someone might say you see truth has changed. The world was a sphere even when people believed it was flat.  Truth did not change; rather we changed from holding a false belief to a true belief.  Our belief now corresponds with the facts. Another argument for subjective truth is that things appear to be true for only some people but not for others.

      The problems with subjective truth is one, relativism is self-defeating. In other words, the relativist believes that subjective truth is true for everyone, not just from them. This is the one thing, they cannot believe, if they are relativist. Therefore, if a relativist thinks it is true for everyone, then he believes it is an absolute truth. Therefore, he is no longer a relativist. Also, relativism is full of contradictions. For an example, if Billy Graham believed God exists and an Atheist believes God does not exist both would be right. God would have to exist and not exist.  If the Christian believes Jesus died on the Cross and Muslim believes Jesus did not die on the Cross, both would be right. Does that make sense?

      Another problem with subjective truth is, relativism means that no one has ever been wrong. In other words, with Subjective truth, no one could ever be wrong since there is no standard for right and wrong. As long as something is true to the holder of truth, it is true even if it is wrong for someone else. Does that make any sense? If we can answer the above questions and the others that may arise then perhaps we can know whether or not truth matters and whether or not it matters if anything else matters.

      July 18, 2017 11:31 AM MDT

  • 7280
    "What I believe in my heart must make sense in my mind."

    Well, I probably get your point, but aren't you limiting what is true to be no more than you can understand?

    GK Chesterton observed that the man in the insane asylum is there because he tried to get the universe inside his head, while the poet lives free because he was content to simply get his head inside the universe.
      July 18, 2017 11:39 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The prez has created Trumpworld. Everyone in that world lies 24/7. They all call truth FAKE NEWS if the truth displeases them. One of them called lies  "alternative facts". They pile lie upon lie upon lie. They cover up. They deny. So while you may individually honor and value truth that makes no difference to those in power who live in Trumpworld. You have no power over them. They have complete power over you and the rest of us. They devalue truth by telling lies all the time. So my question is since truth is of no value to them what is of value and is that reasonable to you? Is that enough for you? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
      July 18, 2017 11:46 AM MDT