I like tuna in sushi wraps but not in a can ... it's against my religion to eat food from a can . I don't really have a religion, but I'm picky eater. So usually shuts people up who try get me try weird food if I say is not allowed in my religion. I'm a genius.
I'll tell you something, Miss Jaime. I have cooked all my life and everyone, ALMOST EVERYONE is picky. It drives me insane. You should see what I live with now. He loves fast food. How do you cook for a person like that????
Lol no idea how:) just tell him or her to carry almonds in her purse so she doesn't pass out when forgets to eat or no food around she likes ... that's what Jesus's would do. .....
Oh there is always food. It is fast food. How hard is it to find a McDonald's? Oh that's right, you are in Canada. Is it harder to find fast food there? We have fast food on every corner of the United States.
Ok well that is why you find it a little hard to envision what I am speaking about. You don't have fast food places everywhere. He will never starve. He may die of bad diet or lack of nutrients, but the belly is full of something.
Bah nah ... we do have fast food places here ... we just look at them a bit different then Americans do , I guess :) we are swaying your way.... I'm always amazed when go to USA by serving sizes ... I love America. And I like we follow you in lots of things . I do not want us follow you in food though ...too much
It is not a good path to follow, but we do have a LOT of great places that serve nutritional food now as well as that junkier food. We are getting into the fresh fruits and veggies more these days.
Well that's okay, Nev. As long as you have ones that are good for you in your diet, that is all that matters. You don't have to eat a huge variety. Just enough to make sure you have all the right stuff.