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Why wont my spell checker suggest usung a W where I have mistakenly used a V

It is a mistake I often make, Danish is a Germanic language we do not distinguish between W and V, Officially W dont even exist as a Danish letter.

when I write inbetveen the spell check in Firefox should object and suggest a w. It does object, but the word it suggest is not inbetween, it is "inbreed".

How is that even possible? it wants to change 4 letters instead of just one!

Posted - July 22, 2017


  • It depends on what device you're  on :) I am usually on my mobile so it's easy for me to switch to American or Brit English when I come on sites like these. Auto correct  still wants to take you to correct spelling though for your first language :) OUI? Oui :)
      July 22, 2017 11:45 PM MDT

  • 46117
    You should see what my lovely Apple Phone does for me when I try to spell things.  I cannot get it to listen to me.  It is way more annoying than a mere w or v problem.
      July 23, 2017 12:00 AM MDT

  • 7939
    The spell checker isn't "smart" enough to know your intentions. It could be that you're using the wrong dictionary/ language settings for your location. Your spelling errors may be common in a certain region, and a savvy developer may have programmed those suggestions into the right language pack for your area. It could also be that your spelling errors are so uncommon for FF users that they can't predict the mistakes you're making. 
      July 23, 2017 3:29 AM MDT

  • 5354
    You are right. I want it to read my mind. I mostly write in English so I set all the programs (OS, Browser, etc.) I can to speak US-english instead of Danish, You should see the garbled nonsense I get when I do not (Much worse than this particular example) I suspect user instructions are translated using Google translate, and that is the best auto translator I know of. But still, so very very  bad.

    But the thing is that the difference between 'inbetveen' and 'inbreed' is so immense. A whole syllable is gone and 4 letters must be changed or removed to get from one to the other. To get from 'inbetveen' to 'inbetween' only a single letter need to be changed. I would call it a much more likely candidate as the intended word. This post was edited by JakobA the unAmerican. at July 23, 2017 1:13 PM MDT
      July 23, 2017 1:06 PM MDT

  • 22891
    it probably didnt want to
      July 23, 2017 4:59 PM MDT