Why wouldn't you want to enter the address? You can use the embed options here (the icon in the text box tool bar that looks like film with a play button) and grab the link or the embed code from YouTube... I'm not sure what other method you'd be trying to make work or why the standard option wouldn't be your go-to.
So if I enter address as the embed code using the tool you described the YouTube videos should just appear showing a picture of the clip to click on? Before I was just entering the address within my text and people couldn't see anything but the address to click on.
Ah... yeah... On YouTube, scroll down below the video to the embed codes and use the link or embed code there. I tend to use the full YouTube embed code because, for whatever reason, sometimes iPhones won't show the video when you use the link. When you're using our buttons here and you go in to add the video, there is a second tab on the pop up that lets you add a link that lets you put the whole embed code. It's not "necessary" to use the long code, but it makes sure the iPhone users always see it.
Ok I'll work on that, but it's hard to see on my phone. Anyway I liked the line in that song you played "You're not the only starfish in the sea." I think of you as Starfish now, LoL! Not out of disrespect for your ex boyfriend's health issues or to condone his blaming you out of frustration. I just liked that story about you. : ) Thanks for the help, I maybe a lost cause on this LG phone, but I'll keep trying.
I don't know about FB, but using an android to post videos here is super easy. When you hit the video button, the cursor is already flashing in the "source" box, just paste the url (like you posted above) in the "source" box, then either hit the "OK" button or just hit enter. You don't have to mess with the embed code.
This post was edited by Bozette at July 30, 2017 1:51 PM MDT