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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Creative/Inventive/Imaginative/Unique Human Beings. Dying out or hiding out? Because?

Creative/Inventive/Imaginative/Unique Human Beings. Dying out or hiding out? Because?

Clones and copycats are everywhere. Walking in unison talking in unison thinking in unison. Dare not be out of step or out of line OR ELSE. What is it exactly that prevents folks from being independent? Being an individual is frowned down upon.  Fitting in is where it's at. Not making waves. Being part of the crowd. Bobbleheading yes yes yes or no no no in concert depending upon the direction/command of those in charge who are all Bobbleheads as well.

Posted - August 12, 2017


  • 22891
    probably both dying out and hiding out
      August 14, 2017 3:52 PM MDT