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Discussion » Questions » Communication » If it were illegal to say insulting words and doing so would cost you a lotta money in fines/fees/penalties would some folks still insult? Is the lust to bust someone's chops essential to some? Why?

If it were illegal to say insulting words and doing so would cost you a lotta money in fines/fees/penalties would some folks still insult? Is the lust to bust someone's chops essential to some? Why?


Posted - July 23, 2016


  • 3907

    Hello Rosie:

    Although they try REAL hard, there are SOME human functions that the government simply can't control.  Among them are what you put INTO to your body, how you conduct SEX with your body, and what words come OUT of your body..   I dunno HOW they don't know that, but they don't.


      July 23, 2016 9:08 AM MDT

  • 113301

    In Trump's hands? Anything is possible excon. Terrifying prospect ain't it?  :( Thank you for your reply! :)

      July 23, 2016 9:22 AM MDT

  • 53634
    In your little scenario, would it also be illegal to write "lotta" instead of "a lot of"? Wait, don't answer that; I strictly FORBID you to.

      July 23, 2016 9:49 AM MDT

  • 7'd get even more thinskinned, easily insulted morons that can't accept a different opinion, since that is taken as a personal attack and insult by many, these days. Adding a money penalty would only encourage this behaviour even further.

    All one has to do is see the sensitive primadonnas in social media, the news and so on to see this trend.

      July 23, 2016 9:54 AM MDT