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What do you want for X=Mass this year?


Posted - August 15, 2017


  • Jesus is merely a poorly-developed character in quite crude fiction written by quite ignorant men. Thomas Jefferson, Isaac Asimov, Mark Twain and other men said that objectively reading the Bible makes a man an atheist. Christians stole much from other cultures, e.g. festivals, temples, myths, etc. 
      August 27, 2017 6:00 AM MDT

  • 13071
    I think Jesus was the first good looking man back then (there werent many people back then , so i suspect he was the only good looking man alive) so he probably also the first celebraty. People worshiped him for his looks, not unlike they do to people now a days. Thats why he was so popular. Good looking people are always accused of doing all sorts of miraculous things, burning bushes and turning water into wine was probably in fashion back then, the in thing to do , no mean? No biggy. The bible ? All celebrities are written about bigger than life, why should he be any different. ;+ 
      August 31, 2017 6:07 PM MDT