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WWE. Racing. Basketball. Baseball. Football. Soccer. Hockey. Tennis. Golf. What sport is your passion as a fan and why?


Posted - July 23, 2016


  • 23

    Hockey! I haven`t played in a while, but it`s still the coolest game on earth.

      July 23, 2016 3:16 PM MDT

  • 6988

     I have been a serious golfer in my younger days. I also spent 20+ years racing motorcycles. Of the 2, the racing is where passion still lives in me. 

      July 23, 2016 4:18 PM MDT

  • Have never been interested in sport. Don't enjoy competition. Could never see the point in chasing or batting a ball. Intensely dislike the tribal violence that erupts over it in some places. Dislike the abuse of drugs. Dislike the way athletes not only get damaged but suffer serious health complications for the rest of their lives.

    For exercise I like dancing, horse riding, walking, kayaking, yoga and gym.

      July 23, 2016 6:30 PM MDT

  • 1264

    I really like watching pro surfing, tennis, and ice hockey.

      July 24, 2016 1:49 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I don't know how old you are Tiberius but I'm 78! In the 60's my then-husband and I moved to Massachusetts from  California where we lived for 5 years. That was when Bobby Orr played for the Boston  Bruins. That's where I first learned about hockey! I don't know if you know the name but he was awesome! However the "policemen" thugs who high-sticked folks were not my cuppa tea. There was one player who got a concussion so severe he never played again. I think  his first name was Tony. It was a very long time ago but I can sure relate to your words. Of course I never played the game myself but learning about ice hockey by watching Bobby Orr in action was a real privilege! Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)

      July 24, 2016 2:12 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Jim LOVES golf with a passion bh. He plays every Saturday. We live in a retirement community that has a 9-hole golf course. Par for each hole is 3 so it isn't a regulation course but several times a week he goes to the golf course to "practice". He also watches all the instruction shows and often he is the living room, golf club in hand, trying to emulate what he sees on the screen! I am very proud of him . He is 80 and going strong! He also enjoys tennis and plays every Tuesday. But his sports passion is golf! I don't mind at all. I enjoy watching  the tournaments..especially the young ones who are stars right now. Golf seems to be a game one can never master. You just keep getting  a bit better. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday!  :)Racing motorcycles sounds really dangerous!  Our sons have motorcycles which they enjoy for pleasure only.  Were you ever injured during your racing days?

      July 24, 2016 2:19 AM MDT

  • 113301

     I don't enjoy competition either hartfire. It often brings out the worst in people who MUST win at everything they do even it means cheating. So I avoid it. I don't have to be "best" or "better than" anyone. I amn ot athletic at all . I did used to have fun  playing badminton but that was because the birdie floats slowly so I had a chance at hitting it over the net. You sound like a real dynamo sport-swise.  Years ago I was a runner but when I reached 50 my doc told me to be satisfied with fast walking. Fast walking is not remotely fun...well it wasn't fun for me . I used to love to dance when I was younger. I've tried a bit of Yoga now and then over the years but nothing sustained or serious. Never been in a kayak. Gym was my worst class as a kid. I was the one who was always chosen last . That tells you how good I was at sports! I have only ever been horseback riding once. I was 12. I could not control the horse and after it ran its course it trotted back to its stall. There was a cross bar above the stall that I remember grabbing and I started yelling for someone to help me. I was scared to death. It was not my finest moment. I haven't been near a horse since. I admire them. From a distance. Thank you for your reply. About the violence attendant thereto at sports events...some soccer matches end in violence..especially abroad. I don't approve of anyone drinking at a sporting event but they sell beer there and folks smuggle in booze. Mix a bunch of drunks supporting different teams and you are just asking for trouble. I don't get it. Do they go to watch the sport or to get drunk as skunks and fight?  Happy Sunday hartfire!  :)

      July 24, 2016 2:28 AM MDT

  • 113301

     I know you're a surfer BSurf. Did you ever play tennis or ice hockey? Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)

      July 24, 2016 2:29 AM MDT

  • Thank you for the warmth of your reply. Lovely to learn all these things about you. Feel I'm getting to know you a little better.

    Unfortunate that horse experience - most non-horsey people, (parents included of course,) have no idea how much skill and awareness is required to ride a horse. Likes most things, it's one of those things you can keep learning every day for a lifetime and still not know it all. If someone has a ride on a very safe old hire-horse, they can come away imagining that they can ride (dangerous idea) when really their role has been more like being the passenger in a taxi - the horse is the driver, unless the rider can ride.

      July 24, 2016 3:18 AM MDT

  • 6988

     I was never seriously injured while racing.  I had a crash that sent me to the hospital with a concussion. My helmet was cracked from that impact!  The most amazing thing I ever saw in golf was during a local "4 man scramble" event.  The team behind us got a "hole in one". Then, 2 holes later -------  they got a SECOND hole in one!  (we still beat them with a -14 score for the 18 holes)

      July 24, 2016 3:40 AM MDT

  • 113301

    ((hugs)) That's for being here and in one piece and coherent. A concussion is ALWAYS SCARY. Thank goodness you wore a helmet bh! Aren't memories awesome? You need a functioning brain for that and sometimes concussions prevent it. Glad yours didn't! :)

      July 24, 2016 4:58 AM MDT

  • 113301

    You're welcome hartfire! Athletic I'm not but I surely do admire those who excel. They are so beautiful to watch in action. :)

      July 24, 2016 4:59 AM MDT

  • 23

    Hi Rosie. I`m from R.I, 50 years old and I`ve been a huge Bobby Orr fan since I was a kid. I`m a Bruins fan to the death :)  Yes, the game was different back then and the "goons" ran kinda wild. The league has done a good job of cleaning up the unnecessary violence, although it`s still a very dangerous sport. I love it.

      July 24, 2016 8:23 PM MDT

  • 113301

    ((hugs)) That's for being a Boston Bruins fan m'dear! You not only know who Bobby Orr is but you appreciate what he did on the ice! We lived in East Acton, Massachusetts for 5 years during the Boston Bruins/Bobby Orr heydey! What a way to cut my teeth on  ice hockey! Seriously! I was privileged to watch him play.  Rhode Island, eh and a Bruins fan? Did anyone ever tell that you have excellent taste Tiberius? Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)

      July 25, 2016 4:50 AM MDT

  • 23

    Hugs back :)  You were near Concord, nice area. When I was a kid, everyone I knew wanted to be Bobby Orr. There will never be another one like him. It`s such a pleasure to meet a true Bruins fan, especially from the heyday :)  This pic is what`s on the shelf behind me in my den. A Bobby Orr puck and a picture of the most famous goal in Stanley Cup history. And Happy Monday to you too :)

      July 25, 2016 9:18 PM MDT

  • 113301

     We lived very close to Walden Pond and I'd take my son there from time to time. Of course you were not allowed to go in the water but in the autumn we'd go there and sit on a blanket on the sand and just soak up the beauty. The pond was surrounded by trees and you would see the clear reflection of them on the water and the reality of them surrounding it. So beautiful. It's so exciting for me all these many years later to "happen upon"  a die-hard Bobby Orr fan on an internet social site far away from that time and that place. I dunno. Maybe there are no coincidences!  You have a photo of him on a shelf in your den? Serendipitous! It was his knees that gave out, right? I could never figure how he could change direction so effortlessly and fluidly. I hate to sound hokey but that was poetry in motion! Nice ta meetcha Tiberius and Happy Tuesday to you in Rhode Island from me in southern California! I miss my times in Massachusetts. Of course I was a lot younger then but it was so breathtakingly beautiful in the autumn. The people were so nice. Two things I did not ice in the winter and spraying for bugs in the summer. We lived across the street from some woods when we originally moved there. But after a few years the trees were cut down and homes were built. I remember looking out the window one winter's day and looked through a few huge icicles!  We lived on the second floor and I guess they started to melt and elongated and then froze in  place. It's funny what sticks in your memory. My son worked on Beacon Hill in Boston for six months after getting his Master's Degree in Honolulu and  before he got his Ph.D at  UCLA. We flew in to Providence to visit him in when he stayed in Chestnut Hill, Mass. He made the plane reservations. He said that Providence Airport was a lot better than Logan. So I have been in your state very briefly. There was also a TV show years ago we watched called "Providence". A very good show.  Don't know if you ever saw it. And now I have met someone who lives there! So many fortuitous coincidences in life aren't there?  Have a great day m'dear!  :)

      July 26, 2016 1:54 AM MDT

  • 23

    Nice to meet you too Rosie :) I agree, there is nothing on earth quite like Autumn in New England. I`ve lived here since I was a little kid. I live in Burrillville in the northwest corner of R.I. It`s still very wooded and looks like what most people consider New England to look like. I love that there are still plenty of buildings here that actually predate the Revolutionary War. You are correct, Orr`s knees is what cut his career short. His knees are covered in scars, of course those operations aren`t anywhere near as advanced as they are now, such a shame. You must be very proud of your son, especially working on Beacon Hill. Although, I don`t envy anyone attempting to drive in that area :)  I do remember the show Providence. Not something I would usually watch, but living here kinda compelled me and it was a pretty good show. You have a wonderful day too :)

      July 26, 2016 9:16 AM MDT

  • 113301

     Backatcha m'dear. Right backatcha Tiberius! :)

      July 26, 2016 11:44 AM MDT