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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » In your opinion what aspects of personal conduct would distinguish a "lady" from a "woman"?

In your opinion what aspects of personal conduct would distinguish a "lady" from a "woman"?

Posted - August 20, 2017


  • 17641
    Any female over the age of majority is a woman.  Qualifying as a lady requires a certain set of behaviors.  If we live in different cultures, our lists will be different.  The most important thing is knowing that all women do not care to be considered ladies. 
      August 20, 2017 5:42 PM MDT

  • What are the qualifying criteria in your culture? 
      August 20, 2017 6:09 PM MDT

  • 53635

      August 27, 2017 8:39 PM MDT

  • 53635

    The way a woman carries herself, presents herself to others, interacts with others, treats others, dresses, talks, walks, her morals, values, standards, etc, all of these can distinguish that she's a lady. Defining each one is a bit dicey, because to say that one aspect is or is not ladylike, or to delineate womanlike behavior from ladylike behavior can raise people's hackles. Some of the differences vary from one continent to another, others vary one person's opinion to another. 
    I am going to tread lightly here so as not to offend, which means I won't share what I personally consider to be the differences, if you don't mind. (Translation: I'll see you in a private message.)

      August 27, 2017 8:52 PM MDT