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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Television and Movies » The sitcom 'The Big Bang Theory' will have a spin-off of sorts called 'Young Sheldon', looking at his elementary school years.

The sitcom 'The Big Bang Theory' will have a spin-off of sorts called 'Young Sheldon', looking at his elementary school years.

Some people believe that the show has jumped the shark, others still love it.  Isn't it an old, tired staple of TV programming to bring in a cute little kid with a smart mouth to boost ratings?


Posted - August 21, 2017


  • 17660
    I dislike most everything about network tv.  We watched the Big Bang several times during the first season and I thought it was entertaining and intelligently written.  Like every other series that has caught my attention in the last 20 years, creativity disappeared and sex was injected into every episode we watched after the first season.  The show, as of the last time I saw it which was years ago, should not even be on TV until 11PM....totally adult material.  Now they are going to put a show on network TV, during prime time I presume, about a brilliant kid.  A kid to which  few real-life kids will relate and may even feel inferior after seeing it.  Parents will not, in any great number, recognize that as harmful.  And the downward spiral continues...................  People and their ideals should fuel culture, but the entertainment industry has the biggest effect on culture.  That is a real disappointment.
      August 21, 2017 10:45 AM MDT

  • 53687

    I agree!
      August 22, 2017 7:26 AM MDT

  • 46117
    It's like Steve Urkle.    Let it rest already.  Sheldon's time has long gone.

      August 22, 2017 7:34 AM MDT

  • 53687

      August 23, 2017 6:01 AM MDT