The internet is a creepy, unnatural, unbelievable, addictive, distracting, time consuming, useful, unhealthy, entertaining and amazing tool to avoid real life and it's probably the beginning of the end of man kind or maybe not?
'It's just a tool that people can use or abuse as they see fit, dependent upon their intellect and sense.' That's about how it is in my view... it's just a tool we make of it what we want to.. if we let it rule us or harm us then it can, if we don't let it it wont.. We can use it for good or the opposite.. it's ALL down to us!
Your massaging people while AMing? Multi=talented i see. (peeking at Shar to the Rona through the curtain) Do you like my new Outer Space Ship? I built it myself. Im flying it too. See? Im waving at you honey. (waving like a lunitic) OMG Ive popped a leak, save me Shar to the ROma... im losing seeing my hole life pass gas before mine eyes.... nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo