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How well would you do as a car salesperson?


Posted - July 23, 2016


  • 46117

    I thought he had his mitts up because he was heading for her breasts there.  

    Anyway, I would be a great one.  I almost did it but had other opportunities.   I would learn everything there was to know about what I needed to do to sell the thing.  That is what I did for a living.  I learned to sell hard things.  The harder it was to sell, the bigger the profit/commission margin. 

    I spent 20 years selling things.  Over the phone.   If you can do that, you can sell anything to anyone.

      July 24, 2016 12:05 AM MDT

  • 3934

    Conversely, I have all the car knowledge in the world (or could quickly acquire it)...but I couldn't sell cold water in the desert.

      July 24, 2016 12:06 AM MDT

  • 46117

    I could teach you. 

    Lesson One

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      July 24, 2016 12:08 AM MDT

  • 3934

    Lesson Zero: Care enough more about your income than other people's well-being to sell them s**t they don't need....;-D...

      July 24, 2016 12:12 AM MDT

  • 46117

    I look at it this way.   It's a skill. 

    They WANT it.  I am just showing them why they want it. 

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      July 24, 2016 12:22 AM MDT

  • 3934

    This would be me...and this is why I would not succeed...;-D...

      July 24, 2016 12:35 AM MDT

  • 46117



    Do you seriously think I would rip someone OFF like that?   No.  No. No.

    Its ME.  Your friend, Sharonna.  Now COME ON.

    I won't sell anything unless I believe in it, can save you money or can make you money.

    I'm not a shitbag.

    Your friend, Sharonna

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    LOL  (I loved how he told him the price after he blasted the sound so loud no one could hear a thing)

      July 24, 2016 12:41 AM MDT

  • 3934

    @DJAM -- I do not, in general, consider salespeople poop-bags. I don't hate the players, I hate the game. Maybe you've been fortunate and have only been a sales representative in situations where people are rational, the field is not brutally competitive, and humanity could reign.

    But I can't count the number of car salespeople who (if I was dumb enough to give them my real number) called me up 6 weeks after I visted them at a Brand X auto dealer, because they had moved on to Brand Y (having not sold enough Brand X) and wanted to know if I was still the market for a car.

    Those who can succeed under those conditions without turning into poop-bags have my utmost respect. It's not something I could do.

      July 24, 2016 12:48 AM MDT
  • Bez


    I would be totally useless.

      July 24, 2016 12:56 AM MDT

  • 3934

    You, me, and Joe Flacco....;-D...

      July 24, 2016 12:59 AM MDT

  • 46117

    I am forgetting that you had a nightmarish experience in that trade.  I know you were not a car salesman, but you were forced to compromise your sanity and they wanted you to compromise your integrity.  I concur.  I could not do that either.  I would walk out the door.

    Not all sales jobs are like that.  Many are dog-eat-dog, but in a different way.  Competing with each other also has strict guidelines of what you can do and not do and say and not say.  Most sales floors are very strict.  They can get sued, shut down, or just go out of business due to bad publicity.  A crooked or too pushy sales person can be the first to go.

     I don't trust any car salesmen.   You are probably right.  I am looking at it without having done it.    I was just thinking about the ability TO sell and  not actually living in that environment of being pushed to be pushy.  I cannot do that and it doesn't even work if you try that on most people.  They run for the hills. I know I would. 

    I cannot imagine trying to sell you of all people a CAR .you don't want.  LOL Oh yeah, that is going to happen. 

      July 24, 2016 1:06 AM MDT