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So how is Trump going to turn this Texas disaster into something that makes him look good by really doing NOTHING at all?

I hear he's going to Texas to promote himself and do some major photo ops with the right people.  How impressive.  \\

Too bad we need that money to care for these people to build that WALL.

Posted - August 28, 2017


  • You sound strongly biased against Trump. I am nit thrilled with him, but I think he is much better than Billary, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry or Obama. Give the man a fair chance. I know that Politics is a topic that is flooded by intense emotions, so it is difficult to be logical and objective about it. The nation needs to stop the influx of illegal aliens and terrorists. Liberals would allow such invaders free rein to take over. You would not like it when a Muslim decapitated you for being an unbeliever. or are you one? The problem obviously is "you hear". You listen to biased sources. True research looks at all sides of a controversy objectively. I have known for most of my life that media are biased. I also observe that most people blindly believe whatever media says, so they have many absurd notions, e.g. that Rolex is the best and costliest watch brand when that is far from the truth, that Glocks are the best pistols when I would not take one if you paid me, that Bruce Lee was the greatest martial artist of all time when he was far from best in his own time, etc., etc. Think before you write such strongly-biased "Ttong" as this, Please!
      August 31, 2017 8:27 AM MDT