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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Communication » Are you limited by what people give you or can you extrapolate and go beyond the confines of lines that restrict? Why?

Are you limited by what people give you or can you extrapolate and go beyond the confines of lines that restrict? Why?

Posted - August 29, 2017


  • 44543
    Nobody limits me but me. One of the reasons I quit teaching.
      August 29, 2017 10:16 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Would you clarify that for me please Ele? It seems to me that teaching would EXPAND you due to the interactions with others. When you teach you also learn don't you? I'm clearly not getting your point. I'd like to so can you help a gal out? Thank you for your reply!:)
      August 30, 2017 3:02 AM MDT

  • 46117

    I think outside of the box.  I was born that way.

    I am a "what if I do that instead?" kind of a girl.

      August 29, 2017 10:19 AM MDT

  • 44543
    My kinda woman. Sharon for el Presidente.
      August 29, 2017 1:29 PM MDT