Discussion»Questions»Communication» A fat doctor tells you to lose weight. A doctor who smokes tells you to quit smoking or you will die. Do you buy what they sell? WHY?
It doesn't require a medical degree to know if you are fat cp. Just look in the mirror. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday. I don't know if you slilm, skinny, just right or overweight. You do.
I have heard those who smoke use it as a weight-gain suppressant. Which means nothing since food tastes like crap to them so they don't eat as much. When you stop smoking after awhile you begin to be able to taste food unless your smoking killed your tastebuds completely. It's normal to pt on a few pounds. I don't see it as an either/or choice. Deaths from smoking or deaths from medical problems obesity causes. Either way you COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING about it and you didn't. The choice was yours. I wouldn't trust a doctor who told me that. I've never smoked. Tried it once when I was 10 and almost threw up, burned my throat and felt really nauseated for awhile. Anyone who would continue on with smoking after that experience must be a masochist. I'm guessing not everyone has the same experience. Too bad. It would cure them. Thank you for your reply Kg and Happy Tuesday to thee! :)
I don't smoke - tried it once, could not stand the taste - and I am slightly under-weight if anything, but whilst I might think the doctor in that situation hypocritical I would still take his advice.