...Isn't it fun watching the drama as the democrats now run and hide like cockroaches after the lights are flipped on?
Gosh, politicians engaging in politics. Who'd have ever thunk it?
But, of course, in this case TEH STOOPID EBIL LIBRUHLZ did it, so that makes it bad.
You would be much more credible if you even ONCE conceded that a Republican/right-winger EVER did something bad. But you never have, so your partisan F***ING HYPOCRISY is plain for all to see....;-D...
Oh you are going to love this.
Now the idiots behind the thrones are trying to pass this off as a consipiracy by the RUSSIANS.
THEY did it. They leaked LIES.
Is that something you would drum up or WHAT? LOL
Have a ball with that one.
It makes no difference. At the end of the day, the rupublicans still have Trump and that is as disgusting as it gets. :)