Discussion » Questions » Holidays » Do you dress your pets in Halloween costumes? Please post your photos!

Do you dress your pets in Halloween costumes? Please post your photos!

Some of you know I had a pit bull at one time.  She was a great dog.  Best dog I ever had.  I used to dress her every Halloween because I thought it was funny.  She was a good sport.  This was one of the last Halloweens we spent together.  She was a pretty little fairy princess.  Doesn't she look happy?  lol. not.  I haven't decided yet if I'll dress Harry up.

This is my favorite picture of her


Posted - September 5, 2017


  • 6126
    LOL!  Me too Veena.  Elvis is now in the building. :-)
      September 7, 2017 6:00 AM MDT

  • 7683
    Ha ha I really luved that pic, Harry;))
      September 7, 2017 4:42 PM MDT