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Discussion » Questions » Business » You cannot anticipate everything that could go wrong. In QA and QC departments sometone decides what is reasonable. Based on WHAT?

You cannot anticipate everything that could go wrong. In QA and QC departments sometone decides what is reasonable. Based on WHAT?

There are zillions (exaggeration) of recalls all the time for many products. If they were properly tested wouldn't they perform as expected so there would be no need for a recall? How many unexpected and unanticipated things can happen? Of course the question is ludicrous since if they are unexpected and unanticipated it is not possible to know the answer. Someone has to decide where the line is drawn. Who has that responsibility and what is the track record of said person and does he/she have a dog in the fight){profit is a very big dog) so lies are told to sell more to customers.  The business of safety and quality control and quality assurance and telling the truth about how a product performs is ripe for scoundrels and thieves and liars to make huge profits. If it isn't a life-or-death safety issue the problem is less severe of course.However watering down chemo drugs so you make a bigger profit is. Or selling more cars when you lie about the emissions or gas mileage or shoddy cheap parts used that fail. Whom can you trust with your life if profit motive drives these manufacturers? They have to satisfy the stockholders after all and if public safety is sacrificed so what? 

Posted - September 10, 2017
