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Discussion » Questions » Weather » So far the TV coverage of the hurricanes has been amazing. Reporters are TETHERED to something so they don't blow away. Are you that brave?

So far the TV coverage of the hurricanes has been amazing. Reporters are TETHERED to something so they don't blow away. Are you that brave?

Posted - September 10, 2017


  • 13395
    Maybe they are tethered to a kite so they can give such good reports from being aloft.

    Don't think I'd be that brave; could be struck by lightning or something. 
      September 10, 2017 10:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Whatever he was tethered too was off camera Kg so I couldn't see it. That kite thing is true. If you could survive it what glorious views you'd see of down below from up above. Theoretically. Thank you for your reply! :)
      September 11, 2017 5:35 AM MDT

  • 2960
    Links puhleeeeeez
      September 10, 2017 10:22 AM MDT

  • 44734
    It sounds like fun to me.
      September 10, 2017 1:38 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You are a brave lad! I saw one guy dressed from head to toe in rain gear with goggles on and around his wat waist a tether was holding him upright in place. Now what he was tethered to was off camera so I couldn't see it. I don't know if he was having "fun" exactly Ele. Would you do something like that if your job required it? I mean what if the tether were defective and snapped? AARRGGH! Thank you for your reply! :)
      September 11, 2017 5:34 AM MDT