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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » Someone hacked the account of Ted Cruz and posted offensive material as if it came from Cruz. Is FAKING hard/easy to do?

Someone hacked the account of Ted Cruz and posted offensive material as if it came from Cruz. Is FAKING hard/easy to do?

Posted - September 12, 2017


  • 87
    No idea, but I think the punishment for such a crime should be excessive, to say the least.
      September 12, 2017 6:56 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I totally agree with thee. Just like stealing someone's identity. Thank you for your reply Rose.
      September 12, 2017 7:00 AM MDT

  • 87
    "Thee"? You sound like my husband.
      September 12, 2017 7:03 AM MDT