Discussion»Questions»Family» Friends, today my mother left for India, I already miss her, from past few days I've been feeling so sad, how is your bonding with your Mom?
I actually didn't have a bond with my mother Veena, but I do have one with my step-mother. So, I understand your sadness. I'm sorry she had to go back home, but I'm very happy you managed to have a long and wonderful visit with her.
Oh yes, LyriCal, I own property too there, eventually I wanna return......to India, currently my brother and family stay there with my mother, I lost my Dad in January 2016. From then onwards my mom is shuttling between India and US, my elder brother and family too stay in US!
Umm yes LyriCal, I was Papa's darling but after his demise I have become very possessive of my mother....I think that happens when you start fearing for life of your dear ones...yes dear...her daughter-in-law's luv her equally,..she never says a bad word about them...nor they her....ohhh I seem to be writing so many personal things here!
My mom and I are very close and always have been. She is someone I can talk to for hours and hours without ever getting bored. I feel that I can tell her almost anything. So I understand what it's like to have a close bond with one's mother. If my mom were to leave the country for an extended period of time, that would be very tough for me too.
Umm yes carbonproduct, grannies are heavenly...so cuddlesome...yes we FaceTimed today before her flight and it was ah quite heart warming;))
This post was edited by Veena.K at September 17, 2017 7:05 AM MDT