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Discussion » Questions » Jobs » We need a wall to keep ROBOTS out. See below for why. Robots will harm us far more than immigrants jobwise. Are you a robot-lover?

We need a wall to keep ROBOTS out. See below for why. Robots will harm us far more than immigrants jobwise. Are you a robot-lover?

Here are some stats. Read them and weep. Or ignore them at your own peril

Per the    Robots will eliminate 6% of all US jobs by 2021
Per the   38% of US jobs will be done by robots by 2030
Per            40% of jobs in the US could be done by robots by 2030

Take your pick. Not so good is it?

Posted - September 18, 2017


  • 35073
    They said the same thing about computers years ago. It is a scare tactic, a deflection from illegal immigration, from taxes and regulations,  from unfair trade.
      September 18, 2017 4:53 AM MDT

  • 113301
     Once again you are avoiding the point m2c. Do robots frighten you? Did you know there are robots that perform certain operations at hospitals that humans used to do? They are on production lines and build autos that humans used to build. They are infiltrating various industries and replacing human beings and yet you refuse to discuss it. You say it is a scare tactic. I don't get your resistance, hesitancy, denial. I'm sure you believe what you say but maybe one day you will be willing to admit it. When a robot parks your car or a robot waits on you at a restaurant or you turn your car over to robot to get it washed or take a train or a plane and it is a robot guiding each.. Perhaps then? Thank you for your reply.
      September 18, 2017 6:29 AM MDT

  • 35073
    There are other jobs that open up because of those well. 
    The self check requires a human to fix errors, a human to load paper, etc. All of these robots will need upkeep and maintenance.  
      September 18, 2017 6:47 AM MDT