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Discussion » Questions » Science and Technology » The current estimate is that it will take 4-6 months to restore power to Puerto Rico. That seems inordinately long. Does it to you too?

The current estimate is that it will take 4-6 months to restore power to Puerto Rico. That seems inordinately long. Does it to you too?

Posted - September 21, 2017


  • 1713
    Wowsers! And I was whining about having a week of no power. I hope they atleast have plenty of shelters for these poor people.
      September 21, 2017 6:45 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I didn't get the details of the why but I gather everything was destroyed so they will have to build everything from scratch including power plants. Without electricity to plug things into how do you go about rebuilding? How long do generators last and do they have the power to power the necessary machines?  A week of no power is not a picnic  eitherm'dear. Even one day. If it is a very hot day all the food in the fridge/freezer goes bad. For starters. Anyway I sure hope there are no more hurricanes or earthquakes for a long long time. It's been an incredibly destructive few weeks. I wonder what more is in store? Thank you for your reply Patch! :) This post was edited by RosieG at September 21, 2017 7:08 AM MDT
      September 21, 2017 7:04 AM MDT

  • 1713
    And since they're on an island it would probably take a lot longer for aid to get to them. In my case, we at least had help coming in from other states to rebuild and restore. If there are more hurricanes, I hope they at least miss all the people that have been getting battered repeatedly. What would be better is if they just hang out in the Atlantic and not make landfall.
      September 21, 2017 7:15 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Excellent point! Everything would have to be shipped in or flown in. I don't know how long hurricane season normally lasts but if there are any more out there waiting I hope none of them hit land of any kind. Mainland or island. How are you doing Patch? Everything okey dokey on your end?
      September 21, 2017 7:21 AM MDT

  • 1713
    I just got minor damage from fallen trees. I'm grateful I haven't been flooded out of my house like many in my area. The creek did get awfully close though and engulfed my whole backyard. Now the whole place stinks like a swamp, I normally like that smell but it's way too strong..
      September 21, 2017 7:28 AM MDT