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Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » In whom do you have more faith? Doctors, nurses, medical practitioners or braindead politically partisan toadies? Why?

In whom do you have more faith? Doctors, nurses, medical practitioners or braindead politically partisan toadies? Why?

The hapless hopeless witless inept Republicans are trying once again to jam something up our..well..the place where the sun don't shine. They keep trying and failing because they don't have a clue what in the he** they are doing. After 7 years and counting they are as ignorant as they were all the other times they've tried to pull the wool over our eyes. Hapless. Hopeless. Inept. More than once. 60 times? And still they come back and try again with the crap becoming more and worse each time. It would be funny if it weren't so dangerously pathetic and harmful. I do believe they will get what they deserve for wasting so much time over so many years trying to kill something just because it carries the name Obama. That's it folks. That's all it is. They cannot stand that something an African American did still lives and so their entire political lives are being spent trying to kill it.  Admirable ain't it? Upscale lynching. Republican style!

Posted - September 24, 2017


  • 44761
      September 24, 2017 2:05 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You mean the Native American mystics? Really? Ever been in the company of one? Or are you teasing me?  Thank you for your reply Ele and Happy Monday! :(
      September 25, 2017 2:53 AM MDT

  • 44761 know me by now.
      September 25, 2017 5:55 AM MDT

  • 13071
    I take it you dont care for Republicans?
      September 24, 2017 3:08 PM MDT

  • 17067
    I have the utmost respect for nurses, almost as much for doctors. None at all for partisan toadies on EITHER side of the fence, there are more than a few dumb Democrats too. They nominated Hillary over Bernie, for starters.
      September 24, 2017 6:53 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank your for your reply Sbf and Happy Monday. Well that's interesting. I think it's the first time I can recall that you answered like a Republican. What I mean is that rather than deal with the specific question I asked you dragged in examples on the other side indicating that "well they do it too". OK. Now I was not a fan of Hillary's. Not since the 2008 election. But Bernie Sanders is certainly not my cuppa either. You know why? There was no chance in he** he could win. Hillary had a shot until the Russian mafia/hackers took over the election and did what they did. Comey didn't help. The result? Well you know what the result was. I have never said Dems/Liberals are perfect. I have pointed out things they did wrong when I thought they did wrong. None of that has any bearing whatsoever on my question. The countless times Republicans have been trying to jam crap down our throats just because they hate that an African American has his name on something. No one supports that slop but them AND the obscenely wealthy donors who have given them an ultimatum to pass it. Why? Because when the AHCA dies and billions are cut off from it those same obscenely wealthy billionaires will get huge tax cuts and they want their dam* tax cuts because they NEED that money. They are using extortion. They said they will NOT make any more contributions to the Republicans until and unless they get their promised tax cuts. They don't give a dam* about people dying. That is the point of this question. Democrats/Liberals are not part of it in way. But just like Republicans always do you dragged them in anyway. SIGH. I don't know why. I guess you do. This post was edited by RosieG at September 25, 2017 2:20 AM MDT
      September 25, 2017 2:17 AM MDT

  • 2500

    Neither (even though I have several medical professionals in the family).

    But if you're referring to the latest effort to repeal that big, steaming pile of crap that's called Obamacare then doctors and nurses have very little to do with it. It's "Big Insurance" and "Big Pharma" (and their "Bought and Paid For" flunkies in Congress) against the US Taxpayer. Try following the money for a change.

      September 24, 2017 8:40 PM MDT