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Discussion » Questions » Communication » I prayed to to have a supply of weed when there was none and illegal. I go to the corner and buy it now in a candybar . Is GOD on my side?

I prayed to to have a supply of weed when there was none and illegal. I go to the corner and buy it now in a candybar . Is GOD on my side?

or WHAT?????


Posted - September 25, 2017


  • 23815

    Now that's what I'd call a "Mr. Goodbar!"

      September 25, 2017 11:51 AM MDT

  • 7939
    One would think if there was a god who answered prayers, he'd feed the hungry, cure deadly diseases, stop natural disasters, end terrorism, etc.... not worry about politics and making substances legal. 
      September 25, 2017 1:04 PM MDT

  • 46117
    First of all, you know I am not one to go into paragraphs.   (unless it is a copy/paste) and this takes so many paragraphs to even try and answer, I'll just cut to what I think may satisfy.

    God is the WITNESS.  I know you cannot see him.  You are looking at this through the eyes of someone who has heard this argument you give, have never heard a satisfying answer that you can digest and have left it there until something comes along to prove otherwise.

    Are we in agreement so far?

    I'm back.  I think I have to do this in sections because if I go on too long, it will be preachy.  That is not my intent.  It just occurred to me (that in itself is usually a sign to pursue this) maybe I could cause a window to open for you to see through and answer something you may want to know but don't even know to yet ask.

    I mean how to you know how to ask when you don't even think anyone's there?

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 25, 2017 1:29 PM MDT
      September 25, 2017 1:19 PM MDT

  • 13071
    Yes. And i hope he stays there because you deserve the best. ;)
      September 25, 2017 1:06 PM MDT

  • 46117
    If I deserved the best, I would have the best.  That is how it works.  I cannot blame any Diety on what I deserve.  I get what I am asking for.  I may not realize what I am saying to God, but God is giving me exactly what I am asking for.  God is only the witness.  He does not dictate what I should have,  I DO.

    This is a playground to me of lessons to be learned.  I have obviously asked to learn humility, forberance, and detachment.  Because that is what has happened to me so far.  Anything I think I wanted, God gave that and then when I had it I realized the BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR YOU JUST MIGHT GET IT thing comes right into action and gives me an old ONE-TWO punch in the kisser.

    I prayed once to god in my 20's that I wanted this man.  I said I did not care what I had to sacrifice, I needed to be with that man.  I said, take anything.  I want that man.  Well, years later (I am persistant, I did pray a lot) I got that man.  By the time I got that man we had both dissapated into just adolescents in adult bodies and became highly toxic for each other.  We became addicted to each other and vodka. 

    Then I had to pray to God to get rid of him and get me sober.  I prayed, I got sober.  Mickey didn't and he died.

      September 25, 2017 1:26 PM MDT